Lyndhurst BJJ Instructor Earns Promotion

Sean Bermudez, the head of Savarese Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Kids Martial Arts, earned a prestigious promotion last night. His instructor, Professor Chris Savarese, promoted Bermudez with “professor stripes” on his black belt, a rank rarely given out in most Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) schools. Students will now have to address Bermudez by his title while in class.

Professor Savarese gave a moving speech in which he detailed Sean’s upbringing and his rise through jiu-jitsu through tough circumstances and the improvement in him not just in the “training room” but off the mats as well. He also spoke of how much of the growth of the Academy is because of Sean’s hard work. Everyone at Savarese BJJ is thrilled for Sean and thankful for what he provides to the Academy. The kids he teaches every day are so excited. It was a great night at the Academy.

Professor Stripes in BJJ

In this day and age of BJJ, everyone seems to be calling themselves professor after they get their black belt. But “professor” is a special and honorable rank that not everyone is supposed to receive. Professor Savarese was given his “professor stripes” by Royler Gracie and David Adiv in 2010.

While professor stripes can be given after you are a blackbelt for 1 year; it can often take a lot longer. Professor stripes are usually reserved for those who have devoted their lives to helping spread the art of Jiu-Jitsu. Usually school owners, teachers who work full time at an Academy or someone who has made many sacrifices to spread the art are promoted to Professor. Not every blackbelt will earn professor stripes. Only your instructor should tell people to address you as such. It is a very prestigious and honorable rank.

Anyone who is interested in trying a class at Savarese BJJ Academy in Lyndhurst, please contact us at 201 933-5134. We have a flexible schedule for everyone with classes morning, noon and night and on the weekends. We have classes for men, women (including women’s only classes), teens and kids (including night classes for those with tough after school schedules)

Clifton resident wins another jiu-jitsu tournament!

Clifton resident wins another jiu-jitsu tournament!

Sean Yadimarco, a Clifton resident, wins another jiu jitsu tournament making that the 4th one he has won this year! The Savarese Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu student is readying himself for the IBJJF World Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Championship in June. Therefore, he is competing as much as he can. This past weekend, he won his division at the North American Grappling Association  (NAGA) tournament, the 2nd time he has won that tournament in the last 2 years. Yadimarco is a bluebelt at only 16 yrs old, a tough rank to receive at that age.

On a tear!

He has been on a tear for the last 2 years. Since January of 2015, Yadimarco has won the following Tournaments: NJBJJF, NAGA, The Good Fight, United Grapplers Association and the Big Apple Open. His instructor, Professor Chris Savarese raves about Sean. “Sean is an absolute beast! He can do anything he puts his mind to. His future is as bright as he wants it. He has those traits you can’t teach like mental toughness and a killer instinct.” Sean was also a standout on the Clifton high School wrestling team last season, making it to the regional tournament before being eliminated.

Savarese Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is differentiated from other martial arts by its focus on grappling and ground fighting. Most notable are the uses of chokeholds and joint locks used to submit opponents. These have earned Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu a formidable reputation.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu enjoys a rich history, avoiding the commercialization that has watered down other martial arts with ‘McDojos,’ cash for pretty coloured belts, and trophies for everyone. Lineage is incredibly important in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and practitioners take great pride in tracing their roots back to the origins of BJJ.

BJJ’s roots

BJJ’s roots begin with one of Japanese Judo’s top ground fighting experts, Mitsuyo Maeda. Maeda, aka ‘ Conde Koma  ,’ travelled the globe giving demonstrations and competing against martial artists and fighters from other styles before landing in Brazil in 1914. It was here that Maeda met Carlos Gracie, who became his student. Carlos and his younger brother Helio Gracie are considered the founders of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Since then, different family members have formed their own slightly different variations of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. The Gracie Humaita Jiu-Jitsu academy in Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, remains one of the most prominent and well respected schools. It is now ran by Helio’s sons Rolker and Royler Gracie who Professor Savarese trained under.

BJJ Today

Today, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu continues to dominate mixed martial arts events, such as the UFC. If one martial art stands out as a leader in MMA today it is definitely BJJ. Fighters from other styles now must incorporate BJJ into their training in order to be able to compete effectively in the octagon.

If you are interested in trying a free class at our Lyndhurst location, call 201 933-5134 for more info.

Clifton resident wins another jiu-jitsu tournament!

Clifton resident wins another jiu-jitsu tournament!




Lyndhurst Jiu-Jitsu for kids

Lyndhurst Jiu-Jitsu for kids

Every child should be put into some type of developmental activity when they are young. Whether it is dance, gymnastics, or martial arts, something should be done. Jiu Jitsu is quite possibly  the best sport you could start a child in. It promotes confidence, discipline, respect, and many other developmental qualities.

When children are young, they grow and absorb everything they see and listen to like sponges. Martial arts like Jiu-Jitsu allow them to be in a positive atmosphere so they grow as an individual in a positive sense.  Futhermore, Jiu-Jitsu teaches many life lessons that a child can carry with them as well as the self-defense aspect. Giving them the tools to face fears and defend themselves is a priceless gift.

Another benefit

Another huge benefit for Lyndhurst Jiu-Jitsu for kids in relation to BJJ is the physical benefits that come along with it. Today’s society is made up of video games and social media. Children will spend hours on the couch or on their computers playing video games and being inactive. Your child will be taught how to live a healthy lifestyle which is so important to learn at a young age. Bad habits are hard to break once they’re established. Teaching them healthy habits at a young age will result in a manifestation of a positive life. Calories will be burned, flexibility increased, balance improved as well as coordination and so much more.  Jiu jitsu teaches self-defense but also teaches you how to take care of your body.

Kids Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Lyndhurst NJ

The Savarese Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy, located on Park Ave in Lyndhurst, has one of the top Lyndhurst Jiu-Jitsu for kids programs not only in NJ, but in the USA. Jiu-Jitsu schools come from all over the US to learn their programs to teach in their schools. We have students from Lyndhurst, Rutherford, East Rutherford, Nutley, Belleville, Secaucus, North Arlington, Kearny, Clifton, Hasbrouck Heights, Lodi, Montcair, Fair Lawn, Carlstadt, Saddle Brook and as far as Brooklyn, Staten Island, Pennsylvania and Delaware.

About Professor Savarese

Professor Chris Savarese is a 2nd degree black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and one of the first Americans on the East Coast to reach black belt. He and his curriculum are widely respected throughout the jiu-jitsu community. The video below is Royler Gracie, the man Professor Savarese received his black belt from, teaching children in a demo in CA. If you would like to try a free class, call 201 933-5134. Lyndhurst Jiu-Jitsu for kids

Lessons from jiu jitsu champion Saulo Ribeiro

Lessons from jiu jitsu champion Saulo Ribeiro

Below are lessons from jiu jitsu champion Saulo Ribeiro. Saulo Ribeiro is one of the most successful competitors and jiu-jitsu instructors. Futhermore, he is now more devoted to passing his knowledge onto his students in his academy called University of jiu-jitsu and his online learning website Jiu-Jitsu Library , but he hasn’t stopped completely, as he now dominates the world masters.

Grapplers Escape Cruise

During the Grapplers Escape , a Jiu-Jitsu cruise around the Caribbean, Saulo shared his thoughts with our friends at Pasando Guardia about being a student for life:
“If you are doing jiu-jitsu and are a one stripe white belt, then you are a†master “and can already teach some jiujitsu to someone from your family or friends. Jiu-Jitsu is designed to make you quit and not go any further. Compare a photo of when you started and today, you’re not the same, because you have polished the diamond that is inside of you. BJJ cleans you inside out; Your insecurities, fears, desires, rage etc .. All you’ll have to deal with personally. You do not learn movements but concepts. When you fight someone, you do not fight that person but you fight against their technique against their intentions â€
“Tapping is to learn how not to lose, There are two ways of tapping: because of joint manipulation and because of a choke. Joint locks are painful. If your ego is bigger than that, it will hurt. A choke is something where you’re dealing with someone who is taking your life, so when you strangle you owe your life to your partner.
If you are doing jiu-jitsu, you are special. No matter if you win medals, the important thing is to keep going. If you trained two years and you gave up… Shame on you. No matter how you started, it is important that you go you all the way. You have to get your get to the black belt. It may take 6 or 20 years, but enjoy the ride. I did not enjoy my white belt. I do not remember much of it as I was trying to get to blue.
Some say .. “I’m just a white belt ..†Do not say it like that, say it with pride! If you are white belt well, you took a decision to start jiu-jitsu, and many people are scared to make that first step. If you are white belt with a couple of degrees, the you can defend yourself against 90% of people out there. Go your way, and never stop learning.

Saulo’s book

Lastly, Saulo Ribeiro has a highly acclaimed book called “Jiu Jitsu University”. Anyone who trains BJJ should own this book. The book can be found here :

Belleville Wrestler Wins Jiu Jitsu Student Award

Belleville Recreational Wrestler Wins Jiu Jitsu Top Student

Belleville Recreational Wrestler Wins Jiu Jitsu Top Student

Savarese Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is proud to announce that the Lyndhurst Kids Martial Arts Student of the Month is Leo Tiankee. Leo and his brother Lorenzo are both part of the Belleville Rec Wrestling Program and are two of the fastest up and coming kids on the Savarese BJJ Competition team. Leo excels in many areas of Jiu-Jitsu. His never say die attitude is amazing. He displays many of the characteristics of a true champion both on an off of the mats. He can be found training hard between 5 and 6 days regularly at the Lyndhurst Martial Arts School. Leo was recently awarded his 1st Stripe on his Junior Grey Belt as well. Congratulations Leo and keep up the great work.


About Savarese BJJ:

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu aka Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is the art of ground fighting. Originally developed by the Gracie family for smaller guys in the country of Brazil, Brazilian Ju-Jitsu has evolved into an effective self defense system, a thriving sport, and an essential component of Mixed Martial Arts fighting (MMA). Gracie Jiu-Jitsu does not incorporate many of the fancy movements and complicated theories that other martial arts employ. In the real world – most fights end up on the ground – you have to be prepared for that scenario. The Savarese Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy teaches practical self defense techniques with a no attitude, no ego mentality. Students learn sport aspects and practical methods that don’t require strength or athletic ability. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu was made for everyone. A typical class begins with a light warm up and stretch. Once everyone is loose, instructor Chris Savarese teaches students practical techniques and delivers personal care to ensure the class is learning and applying. Once the technique has been covered, live sparring for students who wish to participate is permitted. With Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, live sparring is an integral part of the art and what separates Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu from most other martial arts. In Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, sparring is encouraged and fun! Come into our New Jersey Brazilian Jiu JItsu Academy and take a free class! Give us a call at 201-933-5134.

The benefits our Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Self Defense programs are endless! A greater sense of self leads to positive results in a world full of challenges. Our staff’s lineage goes directly back to the Gracie Family who created the art. Teach your children that perseverance wins over any obstacle in life, and let our program prove it to them! Develop functional muscles, not bulky, do-nothing muscles! The life of every person in our program who has been training for more than a year has been changed dramatically! If you want to join the fastest growing BJJ Academy on the East Coast, Savarese BJJ is waiting for you! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

Belleville Recreational Wrestler Wins Jiu Jitsu Top Student Award

Belleville Recreational Wrestler Wins Jiu Jitsu Top Student Award

Royler Gracie Seminar – Savarese BJJ

Royler Gracie Seminar

Royler Gracie Seminar – Savarese BJJ

Royler Gracie will teach a Lyndhurst NJ Jiu-Jitsu seminar at Savarese Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy on June 27th at 7pm. Royler is the son of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Grandmaster Helio Gracie. The Savarese Academy’s owner, Professor Chris Savarese, received his black belt from Royler in 2008. It will be the 5th time Gracie has taught at the Academy.

Royler Gracie

Royler Gracie is a retired Brazilian mixed martial artist and Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioner. He ran the Gracie Humaitá school in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for many years under his father, Jiu-Jitsu Grandmaster Helio’s direction. During this time he developed fighters like Saulo and Xande Ribeiro, Wellington “Megaton†Dias, Leticia Ribeiro, Omar Salum, and Renato Barreto.

He currently lives in San Diego. Royler a legend in jiu-jitsu and submission wrestling of his own merit, having been the first “King of BJJ’s Featherweight Division†setting the record of world championships at the time. He is a 4x World BJJ Champion and 3x Abu Dhabi Combat Club World Submission Wrestling Champion. During a period of 3 years, he won every match without having a single point scored on him.

Always trying to improve his BJJ game, Royler often looked at other grappling forms. He trained extensively in Judo at both Sion (former Vasco da Gama) and at the Regatas Flamengo club to improve his standing technique and throws. This led to him competing in the Japanese Martial Art reaching a silver medal in the Judo Brazilian Nationals.

In 1997, Royler took his chance competing in the Absolute (no weight limit) Division of the World BJJ Championships. He won 6 grueling matches to reach the semi-finals while on the other side of the brackets Amaury Bittetti fought only 2 after a series of injuries allowed him to win by NO (no opponent). Bittetti also did not fight in his weight class so he could be the fresher of the 2 fighters. When they faced each other, Royler tried to play on top position, but was overpowered by the superior strength of his fresher opponent and so he got taken down losing the fight by two points.

He placed 3rd in the Open weight as a Featherweight, the lightest fighter to ever finish that high. When Royler decided to compete in MMA he also looked to improve his stand up training boxing with Claudio Coelho, a coach that helped his boxing a lot, lifting his spirits and building up his confidence as well as his stand-up technique.

Savarese BJJ Academy

The Savarese BJJ Academy is located at 40 Park Aave in Lyndhurst NJ. If you would like information to attend the seminar, call 201 933-5134 or email [email protected]

Lyndhurst Jiu-Jitsu-Henry Akins seminar

Lyndhurst Jiu-Jitsu-Henry Akins seminar

Lyndhurst Jiu-Jitsu school Savarese BJJ Academy hosted another Rickson Gracie blackbelt Henry Akins seminar open to the public last night. The Park Ave school had over 50 people in attendance for Akins, one of the best American blackbelts. Professor Chris Savarese, the school’s owner and head instructor had this to say “Another mind blowing seminar by Henry Akins last night. I am so glad that my students and I got the opportunity to learn from him. Thank you to all the visitors from other schools who sent messages thanking me for closing my school for the night and opening for the BJJ community to learn from Henry. Your instructors taught you well if you were smart enough to make the sacrifices to come and props to all the blackbelts and school owners who keep the attitude of a whitebelt and realized the opportunity to learn from one of America’s best. We are all better today. oss.” If you are interested in joining Savarese’s school, one of the best Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu schools in bergen county, NJ, call 201 933-5134 or email [email protected] for a free intro class.

Henry Akins

Henry Akins is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt under Rickson Gracie, who is widely considered the best living Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner and the best of the Gracie Family. Often regarded as one of the best black belts produced by the legendary Gracie, Akins’ views on the “fundamentals†of jiu-jitsu and his style of coaching are revered by many in the grappling community.   Rickson awarded the black belt to Henry Akins in 2004, becoming Rickson’s 3rd American black belt. Akins would later become the head instructor at the Rickson Gracie academy, after his instructor moved back to Rio de Janeiro, a position Akins had to abandon in 2008, reportedly due to a severe injury. He would later reappear in the grappling scene as the head coach of Dynamix Martial Arts, a prime MMA academy in Los Angeles, California. Here is a brief video about Henry

My 3 days of training with Henry Akins

My 3 days of training with Henry Akins

I just spent the last 3 days training with Rickson Gracie blackbelt Henry Akins. To say that my mind was blown would be an understatement and I would have trouble trying to say what an amazing experience it was. First, and this is not a slight to anyone I have ever trained with before, he may be the best Jiu-Jitsu instructor I have ever seen.

When I was coming up through the ranks, all my instructors from Royler and Renzo Gracie to David Adiv would speak in great reverence of Rickson Gracie. Renzo even described him once as “perfect.” We all heard the stories of Rickson tapping World Champions in training, about the time he lined up 30 blackbelts on a wall and beat them all with the same finish, and the great Fabio Gurgel comment about what he learned when he trained with Rickson – “I learned how to tap with eyes, how to tap with my ears.”

We have heard that his jiu-jitsu was different. After 3 days with Henry, I now get it. Not that I ever doubted anything I heard before, but there are details in his Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that just make it more efficient than anyone else I have ever trained with.

Advanced, efficient basics. Never straying from the basics. I once heard the great BJJ black belt Jean Jacques Machado say “that you don’t do jiu-jitsu, you feel jiu- jitsu and the more you learn, the less you use. But in order to use less, you have to learn more.” I now get that as well.

Henry, through 2 seminars at my school and through training with him during the day, broke down the such basic positions as the rear naked choke, breaking posture in the closed guard, the guillotine choke, how to shift your weight in side control, the upa escape, the scissor sweep (wow was that game changing), the americana/keylock (showed a grip I have never seen before in 20 years of BJJ) and made each one better. I am completely blown away.

The best compliment that I can give Henry is that if I wasn’t a school owner and was a younger guy, I would move to LA to train with him full time. That is how impressed with his teaching I was. He also gave me some great guard drills for MMA that I will incorporate immediately.

When I take my students to CA this year for the World Championships, there is no doubt I will be visiting his place to train. I haven’t been this excited about BJJ in years. Thank you Henry for an eye-opening experience.

Henry Akins seminars

Henry Akins did 2 seminars at my school this week with over 100 people attending and every single person said it was mind blowing.

Last night, over 10 blackbelts were in attendance and people were literally laughing out loud in amazement at some the the things he was showing.

If you have a chance to train with Henry at any time, I couldn’t possibly recommend him enough. I know for a fact that I and every one of my students, friends and friend’s students are better today then we were before we trained with Henry.


Professor Chris Savarese

Savarese BJJ Academy

My 3 days of training with Henry Akins

My 3 days of training with Henry Akins

My 3 days of training with Henry Akins

My 3 days of training with Henry Akins

My 3 days of training with Henry Akins

My 3 days of training with Henry Akins

My 3 days of training with Henry Akins

My 3 days of training with Henry Akins



Henry Akins Lyndhurst Martial Arts Jiu-Jitsu Seminar

Henry Akins Lyndhurst Martial Arts Jiu-Jitsu Seminar

Henry Akins NJ Jiu-Jitsu seminar at Lyndhurst Martial Arts Academy Savarese Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu tuesday night was a HUGE success with over 50 people in attendance trying to get better at Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. Akins is a 3rd degree blackbelt under Rickson Gracie, who is widely considered the best living Jiu-Jitsu practitioner. Akins has long been considered one of the best Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) instructors in the USA. Professor Chris Savarese, a 2nd degree blackbelt and owner and head instructor of Savarese BJJ Academy had this to say “Thank you to Henry Akins for teaching his closed guard concepts in an absolutely mind blowing, phenomenal seminar last night at Savarese BJJ Academy. All advanced basics were the focus. He explained the usages of hands and legs and worked defenses sweeps and subs all off the same 2-3 posture breakdowns. I can personally say that I am a better teacher and practitioner today than I was yesterday. He talked about feeling and not just seeing BJJ techniques including this phrase that I will use in my future teachings “Everything is based on feel, not seeing. If you wait to see, you will always be late” It was an incredible experience and I highly recommend anyone who has never been to a Henry Akins seminar to do so. OSS”. Akins will be doing another seminar Thursday night at Savarese BJJ Academy. If you are interested in attending, contact Professor Savarese at 201 933-5134 or email [email protected]. All Academies are welcomed.

Henry Akins

Henry Akins is a Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt under Rickson Gracie and a former instructor at Rickson’s academy in California. He is often regarded as one of the best black belts produced by the legendary Gracie.  Akins’ views on the “fundamentals†of BJJ and his style of coaching are revered by many in the grappling, MMA and BJJ community. Henry Akins is also well known for having a more traditional stance on martial arts, not being a fan of the sport aspect of jiu jitsu, comparing it to Tae Kwon Do, as in to explain a diluted sporting format of the original martial art.In 2004, after a training session at Rickson Gracie’s residence, Rickson awarded the black belt to Henry Akins, who that way became Rickson’s 3rd American black belt. Akins would later be hired as the head instructor at the Rickson Gracie academy, after his instructor moved back to Rio de Janeiro, a position Akins had to abandon in 2008, reportedly due to a severe injury. He would later reappear in the grappling scene as the head coach of Dynamix Martal Arts, a prime MMA academy in Los Angeles, California.

Henry Akins NJ  Jiu-Jitsu seminar at Lyndhurst Martial Arts Academy

Henry Akins NJ Jiu-Jitsu seminar at Lyndhurst Martial Arts Academy

Henry Akins NJ  Jiu-Jitsu seminar at Lyndhurst Martial Arts Academy

Henry Akins NJ Jiu-Jitsu seminar at Lyndhurst Martial Arts Academy 

Henry Akins NJ  Jiu-Jitsu seminar at Lyndhurst Martial Arts Academy

Henry Akins NJ Jiu-Jitsu seminar at Lyndhurst Martial Arts Academy


2016 Pan Ams Jiu-Jitsu Blackbelt Results

2016 Pan Ams Jiu-Jitsu Blackbelt Results

Here are the 2016 Pan Ams Jiu-Jitsu Blackbelt Results from this weekend’s event in Irvine, California.

Adult / Male / Rooster

First – Michael Musumeci Jr. – Atos Jiu-Jitsu

Second – Lucas dos Santos Pinheiro – CheckMat

Third – Koji Shibamoto – Tri-Force Jiu-Jitsu Academy

Third РJọo Pedro Oliveira Rodrigues РCheckMat

BLACK / Adult / Male / Light Feather

First РJọo Ricardo Bordignon Miyao РPSLPB Cicero Costha

Second – Gabriel Afonso dos Santos Moraes – Alliance

Third – Vitor Peres Paschoal – Brasa CTA

Third – Hiago George Santos Silva – PSLPB Cicero Costha

BLACK / Adult / Male / Feather

First – Paulo Henrique Bordignon Miyao – PSLPB Cicero Costha

Second – Osvaldo Augusto Honorio Moizinho – Ares BJJ

Third – Bruno Frazatto Xavier C. Barbosa – Atos Jiu-Jitsu

Third РMarcio Andre C. Barbosa Junior РNova Unịo

BLACK / Adult / Male / Light

First – Edwin Najmi – Gracie Barra

Second – Francisco Antonio Iturralde Lara – Alliance

Third – Rodrigo Lamounier de Freitas – Rodrigo Freitas Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Third – Gabriel Rollo da Silva Pontes – CheckMat

BLACK / Adult / Male / Middle

First – Yago Vinicius de Souza – Ns Brotherhood

Second – Vitor Henrique Silva Oliveira – GF Team

Third – Otavio Ferreira de Sousa – Gracie Barra

Third – Jonathan Torres – Atos Jiu-Jitsu

BLACK / Adult / Male / Medium Heavy

First – Leandro Lo Pereira do Nascimento – Ns Brotherhood

Second РR̫mulo Claudio Barral РGracie Barra

Third – Renato Guimaraes Cardoso – Alliance

Third – Murilo Silva Ferreira de Santana – Barbosa Jiu Jitsu

BLACK / Adult / Male / Heavy

First – Cássio Francis da Silva – Gracie Barra

Second – Leonardo Pires Nogueira – Alliance

– Guilherme Augusto Soares Santos – Alliance International

Third – Diego da Silveira Herzog – Diego Herzog

BJJ BLACK / Adult / Male / Super Heavy

First – Luiz Fernando de Azevedo Panza – CheckMat

Second – Alexandro Ceconi de Souza – Ceconi Team

Third – Vitor Fabio Martins Toledo – Atos Jiu-Jitsu

Third РYuri Costa Sim̵es M. da Silva РBrasa CTA

BLACK / Adult / Male / Ultra Heavy

First РAndre Luiz Leite Galṿo РAtos Jiu-Jitsu

Second – Joseph Moku Kahawai Jr. – Atos Jiu-Jitsu

Third – Dany Guy Steve Gerard – Atos JJ USA

Third – Igor Gregório Schneider – Ns Brotherhood BLACK /

Adult / Male / Open Class

First – Bernardo Augusto Rocha de Faria – Alliance

Second – Leandro Lo Pereira do Nascimento – Ns Brotherhood

Third РAndre Luiz Leite Galṿo РAtos Jiu-Jitsu

Third – Timothy-Michael Spriggs – Team Lloyd Irvin BLACK /

Adult / Female / Light Feather

First – Gezary Matuda Kubis Bandeira – American Top Team

Second – Kristina Sofia Puruganan Barlaan – Brasa CTA

Third – Ariadne de Oliveira – Mestre Wilson Jiu-Jitsu

Third – Patrícia Maria N. Fontes dos Santos – CheckMat

BLACK / Adult / Female / Feather

First – Mackenzie Lynne Dern – Gracie Humaita

Second – Karen Deisy Antunes Girotto Borges – CheckMat

Third – Vianca J Jager – East Coast United BJJ

BLACK / Adult / Female / Light

First – Beatriz de Oliveira Mesquita – Gracie Humaita

Second – Tammi Alana Musumeci – Atos Jiu-Jitsu

Third – Laurah Elizabeth Hallock – GF Team

Third – Jena Rae Bishop – Gracie Humaita

BLACK / Adult / Female / Middle

First – Luiza Monteiro Moura da Costa – Ns Brotherhood

Second – Michelle Zonato Nicolini – CheckMat

Third – Amanda Loewen – SBG International (SBGI)

Third – Rosamond Elin Snow – Easton BJJ

BLACK / Adult / Female / Medium Heavy

First – Andresa Correa – Alliance

Second – Leah Roseanne Taylor – SBG International (SBGI)

Third – Megan Ann Nevill – Alliance

Third – Leanna M Dittrich – Fight Sports

BLACK / Adult / Female / Heavy

First – Talita Andrea Nogueira – Ryan Gracie Team

Second – Fernanda Mazzelli Almeida Maio – Striker JJ

Third – Charlene Marie Coats – Coalition 95

BLACK / Adult / Female / Super Heavy

First – Dominyka Obelenyte – Alliance

Second – Samela Shoham Lopes Leite – Ribeiro Jiu-Jitsu

Third – Alexis Brooke Du Fresne – CheckMat

Third – Hillary VanOrnum – Impact Jiu Jitsu

BLACK / Adult / Female / Open Class

First – Andresa Correa – Alliance

Second – Dominyka Obelenyte – Alliance

Third – Mackenzie Lynne Dern – Gracie Humaita

Academies Results

Adult Male

1 – Alliance – 85

2 – Atos Jiu-Jitsu – 53

3 – GF Team – 51

4 – Gracie Barra – 48

5 – CheckMat – 37

6 – PSLPB Cicero Costha – 35

7 – Ns Brotherhood – 27

8 – Brasa CTA – 27

9 – Barbosa JJ – 18

10 – Alliance International – 15

Adult Female

1 – Alliance – 66

2 – Gracie Humaita – 43

3 – Gracie Barra – 29

4 – Ryan Gracie Team – 27

5 – GF Team – 24

6 – Ns Brotherhood – 18

7 – Soul Fighters BJJ – 17

8 – PSLPB Cicero Costha – 12

9 – Ribeiro Jiu-Jitsu – 12

10 – Brazil 021 International – 11


1 – Gracie Barra – 224

2 – Brasa CTA – 182

3 – Ribeiro Jiu-Jitsu – 151

4 – CheckMat – 138

5 – Alliance – 133

6 – Carlson Gracie Team – 99

7 – Gracie Humaita – 97

8 – Zenith BJJ – 75

9 – Brazilian Top Team – 56

10 – BJJ Revolution Team – 48


1 – Atos Jiu-Jitsu – 98

2 – Alliance – 59

3 – Anchorage Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – 18

4 – David Jacobs Jiu-Jitsu Team – 18

5 – Colorado BJJ – 18

6 – GF Team – 18

7 – Over Limit BJJ – 17

8 – Soul Fighters BJJ – 15

9 – Team Lloyd Irvin – 15

10 – Brasa CTA – 12

2016 Pan Am Jiu-Jitsu Blackbelt Results

2016 Pan Am Jiu-Jitsu Blackbelt Results