Rafael Lovato Jr Lyndhurst NJ BJJ seminar

Rafael Lovato Jr Lyndhurst NJ BJJ seminar

Rafael Lovato Jr taught a Lyndhurst NJ BJJ seminar at the Savarese BJJ Academy last night. Lovato, the 2007 World Jiu-Jitsu and 3x No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu Champion, took to the mats of his good friend Professor Chris Savarese’s school to teach to the over 50 students in attendance.

Professor Savarese’s thoughts

Savarese had this to say after the seminar. “Thanks to Rafael Lovato Jr. for teaching a truly awesome seminar at my Academy last night. First of all, for making it a night to remember for all of us. Futhermore, the seminar was so useful for any BJJ practitioner as he taught some great framing defenses from the guard. These defenses can be useful in other positions as well. Also, he gave of the finer details of the passing and mount attacks and subs that have been working so well for him in competition for the past year.

It was a true teaching seminar that taught concepts and not just moves. Hence, it was one of my favorites that he has done here. To make the night even more special, he recognized the talent of our room and the hard work of the instructors and I. I was then presented with the Lovato Jiu-Jitsu Association Instructor Of The Year Award. Professor Rafael spoke movingly of the success we had through a personal health battle I encountered. Since I was on the mats with my students, I was very touched and honored to have that moment.. Also, because our association has some amazing, world class instructors whom I greatly respect. Therefore, I am honored to represent our association. Thank you to Professor Lovato and everyone for a great night of learning Jiu-Jitsu.”

The Lovato Jiu-Jitsu Association

Lovato Jiu-Jitsu is one of the strongest teams in the United States. Led by Rafael Lovato Jr, the most decorated and experienced American BJJ competitor of all time, students of the Lovato Jiu-Jitsu Association receive cutting edge instruction from one of the World’s best. Currently, the Lovato Jiu-Jitsu Association has produced 4 ADCC veterans, World and Pan-American medalists at all belt levels, and No-Gi World medalists. Based in Oklahoma City, the Lovato Jiu-Jitsu Association (LJJA) also has schools across the country and in Canada. The LJJA has developed a proven system to reach the highest levels in BJJ despite your location or resources.

You can find out more about Lovato here http://www.lovatojr.com/about

Anyone on the East Coast interested in taking a Lovato seminar or joining a Lovato affiliated school, call the Savarese BJJ Academy at 201 933-5134.


Savarese BJJ students split NJBJJF Absolute championship

Savarese BJJ students split NJBJJF Absolute championship

Students of the Savarese BJJ Academy split NJBJJF Absolute championship last Saturday in Homdel NJ. “Handsome” Mark Garcia and 16 yr old Leo Alves, both won 3 matches to advance to the finals of the tournament. The New Jersey Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (NJBJJF) Summer Open was held among close to 50 Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu schools in across the tri-state area and from schools from Maryand and Delaware. Absolute divisions are the most prestigious to win because the Absolute division has no weight limit. Garcia and Alves decided to split the division instead of teammates fighting. This is a common occurrence in BJJ when teammates make the finals of a tournament that doesn’t have a monetary prize. Making their victories even more impressive was the fact that the 2 were the lightest in the division.

Garcia is a real up and comer on the tournament scene. Mark also won his division at the NY Open, the toughest East Coast toughest each year. Look out for Mark in the future.

Alves is also becoming a big name on the tournament scene. Savarese Jiu-Jitsu has 3 teenagers (Alves and fellow teammates Sean Yadimarco and Ariana Zeppetelli) who have consistently fought in adult division over the past year and won gold medals vs adults. Each of them had excellent showings in the World BJJ Championship in CA in July. Winning an adult Absolute title at only 16 yrs old is a major accomplishment for Alves.

NJBJJF Tournament

Fernando Sarmiento, a BJJ blackbelt, created the NJBJJF tournament in 2008. This Federation was established to bring the best competition in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to New Jersey.  The mission of the NJBJJF is to bring together those academies, teams and individuals searching for a traditional Brazilian Jiu Jitsu championship and help spread our art.

The rules used in this event follow the traditional rules utilized by the IBJJF. NJBJJF’s greatest objective is to preserve the integrity of the competitors and to give our spectators a true show.

Anyone interested in joining the Savarese BJJ Academy, call 201 933-5134 to set up a free intro class.

Lyndhurst Football Coach Earns Jiu Jitsu Certification

Carlos Dorjo, a Lyndhurst football coach, earned his jiu jitsu teaching certificate last night.

Dorjo, who coaches the offensive and defensive line for the Lyndhurst high freshmen football team, earned the certification at the Savarese Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) Academy, located in Lyndhurst on Park Ave.

Dorjo is only the 4th student in the 10 year history of the Academy to earn this certification, which takes up to a year to earn.

Lyndhurst football coach earns jiu jitsu certification

Lyndhurst football coach earns jiu jitsu certification

Dorjo sets a great example for his players and the students he teaches at the Savarese Academy. Dorjo teaches at 7am classes there.

Four years ago, Dorjo suffered a great setback not only in his BJJ training, but in life. Dorjo tore his ACL and while rehabbing his injury, he tripped and ruptured his patella tendon, making it impossible to rehab the ACL injury.

He missed almost 3 years of training, and had much difficulties at work because he couldn’t walk. His knee looked like a cantaloupe at times. The athlete in Carlos told him to never give up, something he preaches in his teachings every day.

Like the great Michael Jordan once said “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out a way to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” That has been the theme of Dorjo’s return to the mats at the Savarese Academy, where he also works as the school’s program director.

Dorjo is overcoming another obstacle by competing at the New Jersey Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation (NJBJJF) tournament in August in Homdel, NJ. It will be his first tournament in almost five years.

Dorjo was an excellent competitor before his injury, last winning the Grapplers Challenge in Red Bank NJ in 2011. There he won all of his matches by submission.

Anyone who wants info about the Savarese Academy or is interested in trying a free class, call 201 933-5134 for more info.

Four Promoted at Savarese Jiu Jitsu

Last weekend, four students were promoted at Savarese Jiu Jitsu Academy in Lyndhurst. The Park Ave Academy holds it’s competition class (Blitz) every Saturday. All four were promoted after the hour long competition type training by Professor Chris Savarese, the school’s owner.

4 promoted at Savarese Jiu Jitsu Lyndhurst

Brian Earns His Second Brown Belt Stripe

Longtime student Brian Procel received a 2nd stripe on his Brown Belt. Procel is coming off an excellent showing at the 2016 IBJJF World Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Championship in Long Beach California where he won one of his matches by choke in 29 seconds against a very seasoned competitor from the West Coast. His competitor had already won multiple tournaments across the nation this year, but Procel persevered. Brian has been doing well himself during this competition year medaling at a couple of different tournaments. I’m looking forward to see what the rest of the year has in store for him.

Eric Estevez was promoted to the 1st stripe on his Purple Belt. Eric has been training BJJ for 6 years and is one of the most committed students in the school. He is at class almost every day trying to improve and has one of the best guards at the Academy. Eric has also jumped into the competition scene this year for the first time, testing himself in an effort to improve his skills.

Danny “DRod” Rodrigues also received the 1st stripe on his Purple Belt. Danny is a great learner and follower of the program at Savarese BJJ. There is no doubt that he is headed for blackbelt one day because he is slowly improving every week by following the curriculum, especially on the passing end. Most lightweights his size just train their bottom game and practice their guard 90% of the time. Not him.

4 promoted at Savarese Jiu Jitsu Lyndhurst

Eric Earns His First Purple Belt Stripe

He is very well rounded, one of the better guys I’ve seen in that regard. He isn’t uncomfortable in any position. We are excited to see where he will be in 2 years.

Henry Talasans received his 3rd stripe on his White Belt. Henry is already showing signs of having an excellent submission game from his closed guard and is improving every day because of the consistency of his training.

Keep your jiu jitsu routine during summer

Keep your jiu jitsu routine during summer

It is very important to keep your jiu jitsu routine in the summertime. This goes for both adults and kids. All too often, the weather gets nicer and people don’t come to class or parents consider taking their kids out of jiu-jitsu for the summer.

For the adults, maybe we hit the beach of the weekends or have a pool. Remember, once you get out of your routine, it is hard to get back in. Egos take a blow when we no longer can keep up with the guys or ladies that stayed disciplined all summer. You don’t want to be that guy.

Keep going!

Have you ever been on a diet or were on a workout routine that was really working for you?  Maybe you were trying to get in shape for a vacation, the summer, or another event. You had fantastic results when you stuck on that schedule. Everything was going great, clothes fit better, had more energy, you were at your target weight. You thought, “I’m going to stick with this after my vacation. I feel great!”. Then, you go on vacation, feeling great about yourself. Reality sets in when you get home.

Hard to start again

You have been unhealthy and you miss the first workout on Monday because you need to “get back into the swing of things.” Futhermore, you miss Tuesday and Wednesday. Hence, you swear you’ll start again next Monday. As a result, a few days then becomes several weeks. You lost your motivation and now become frustrated because you feel like you have to start all over again.  You’ve lost momentum. It is akin to pushing a stalled vehicle. It is very hard at the beginning but it gets easier as you get it going and the wheels are turning. Jiu Jitsu requires the same type of momentum. It becomes easier to see results the more consistently you do it. Once you stop, you feel like you have to move that vehicle all over again.

Keeping your child’s routine

Keeping a child’s routine during the summer is much more difficult because we need the help of parents. Every summer, many parents consider taking their children out of jiu-jitsu. It can be for so many different reasons. More play dates, maybe you just want to give them a break, maybe they are in day camp, you have vacations or day trips planned or maybe, quite honestly, you just want a break. After all, it’s the summer, it’s time for fun! One small problem with that, there is a reason you brought your child to jiu-jitsu. Maybe they were overweight, had self-esteem issues, needed discipline or focus at school. Whatever they were, you came here with goals and we were working with you to improve them.

Don’t lose Momentum

Taking a break from martial arts is not the same as taking a break from a sport they play. Lessons of the martial arts are used to build your child from within to reach their goals and face their fears. Taking the summer off isn’t just taking a break from the techniques and takedowns, you are taking a break from focus, from confidence. And like I said with the adults above, they will feel like they have lost momentum. In addition, they will feel like they are staring all over again. Furthermore, they will start to compare themselves to all of the other kids who did not take the summer off. Most of all, the kids who didn’t will be closer to promotions and seeing their teammates get promoted and them falling behind will give them a sense of failure, harming their confidence and progress. Promotions won’t come if they haven’t put in the work. Please keep them on a routine in the summer, it makes the winter much easier.




NJ jiu jitsu schools unite for training session

Elijah BJJ came to Savarese Jiu-Jitsu Academy in Lyndhurst for a friendly training session. This is the second time the academies have met in an effort to help each other become better at BJJ. Ideas and techniques were exchanged in order to help each team find their strengths and weaknesses. The two academies and their students have become friends along the way.

Professor Chris Savarese of Savarese Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Professor Tyrone Elijah of Elijah Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu have known and trained together for over 15 years. They brought their knowledge together to help their students. Professor Sean Bermudez, the head kids instructor at Savarese BJJ and one of the best kids instructors in NJ, lead the kids through the training session.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Lyndhurst / Union jiu jitsu schools unite for training session

Lyndhurst / Union jiu jitsu schools unite for training session

If you are looking for a martial art and combat sport that focuses on grappling and ground fighting, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is what you are looking for. BJJ is of the belief that most altercations find their way to the ground. Making each student prepared to gain a dominant position and use joint-locks or choke holds to force the opponent to submit is the goal of BJJ.

BJJ instructors believe that a smaller, weaker person, using leverage and proper technique, can successfully defend themselves against a bigger, stronger assailant. BJJ can be trained for self defense on the street or in law enforcement situations, sport grappling tournaments, with the kimono and without, and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fights.

Savarese BJJ Academy

Savarese Jiu-Jitsu Academy opened in 2006 and is located in Lyndhurst NJ. Classes are taught for men and women, teens and kids and classes 7 days a week. If you would like to try a free class, please call 201 933-5134 to get started.

Elijah BJJ

Elijah BJJ is  located at 1330 Stuyvesant Ave in Union, NJ and has classes for adults and children. It is the first BJJ school in the Union area. For a free class, call (908) 578-2522 or visit their website for more info.

Lyndhurst / Union jiu jitsu schools unite for training session

Lyndhurst / Union jiu jitsu schools unite for training session


Lyndhurst/Union jiu jitsu schools unite for training session

Lyndhurst/Union jiu jitsu schools unite for training session


BJJ lessons: Training Tired

One of the most important lessons to learn in BJJ is to train when you are tired.

Normally, we do not want to do anything when we feel this way. However, studies have shown that training though fatigue results in better maintenance of strength and improved postural control. Specifically, endurance athletes and soccer players who performed strength or balance exercises at the end of their training sessions, rather than at the beginning. They were less negatively impacted by fatigue during their matches. All athletes can also see psychological benefits from pressing past their physical limits.

When you learn to withstand fatigue and push through something difficult, it gives you confidence. It’s empowering and shows you that you can do more than you likely thought you could.

Training tired forces you to use your technique because you do not have any power left. This will make you a better technician on the mat. This is why many smaller practitioners and women generally have better guards than powerful practitioners, because they are forced to rely on their technique.

Danaher on Training Tired:

One of my old training partners and instructors, John Danaher, recently touched on this on his Facebook Page. “Anybody can train when they feel like training – the real question is whether you can train when you don’t feel like it. This constant pushing for better results comes at a price. You see the gym is empty behind us. A few hours previously it was packed with nearly eighty people in an afternoon class. Now they are gone. But Mr Cummings remains. This pattern of extra effort beyond the norm is the distinguishing characteristic of all great enterprises. So often people ask me how my students became so adept at the skills they display in competition – if they could see the daily price they pay in time and effort their question would be answered before it even left their lips…”

It is important to try this. When you train tired, you also find out more about your weaknesses. When we train fresh, especially bigger and stronger practitioners, we can mask weaknesses with explosive strength. You can’t do that when fatigued and as a result, you will find out more about situations where you are weaker.

This is also important especially in self-defense scenarios, when you won’t have control over when you can stop fighting. You will have to know what you are capable of and what you are NOT capable of when exhausted. While, training tired you will gain a deeper understanding of your own strengths and limitations, and in the process will toughen you up. Don’t push it to the point that you hurt yourself, because then you won’t be able to train at all.

Lyndhurst Jiu Jitsu student excels at World Championship

Lyndhurst Jiu Jitsu student excels at World Championship

Lyndhurst Jiu-Jitsu student Brian Procel from Savarese Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competed in the 2016 World Championship this weekend. As a result of his preparation, he tapped his 1st opponent in 29 seconds!

Lyndhurst Jiu Jitsu student taps opponent 29 seconds

Lyndhurst Jiu Jitsu student taps opponent in 29 seconds

Match details

Jersey City’s Procel, finished Vinicius Canabarro with a clock choke from the back off of a scramble. Fighting in the brownbelt middleweight division, Procel is part of the Savarese BJJ Academy Competition Team. The team had an excellent showing at the World Championship this year.

Message from Brian

“First of all, I’m still California dreaming. What an incredible experience that I am so glad to have shared with my teammates. Just wanted to take a moment to thank my Savarese Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu family for helping us all prepare for this moment. All of us competing wanted to give you something to cheer about and can’t thank you enough for your positive vibes! Many positive things to take away from this experience. However, the one big thing I took away from this experience was having confidence. It confirmed for me that we are learning things the right way. Another thing, those of us representing our school name belonged on a big stage such as this tournament. Thanks Professor Chris Savarese for always being our number 1 fan through our journey of improvement. Most of all, for never losing confidence in what we’re capable of.”


Savarese BJJ Academy

Located at 40 Park Ave in Lyndhurst, NJ, the Savarese BJJ Academy is considered one of the best BJJ schools in NJ.


Lyndhurst Jiu Jitsu student taps opponent in 29 seconds

Lyndhurst Jiu Jitsu student taps opponent in 29 seconds


North Arlington Kid Martial Artist Earns Top Student

Savarese BJJ would like to congratulate Mateo Santiago, a North Arlington Kid Martial Artist on being awarded Student of the Month for the month of June. Mateo, known as Happy Feet at the school, trains consistently 4 days every week alongside his older brother Antonio. He is also one of the Award Winning Kids Competition Team members, having been part of every Team Title that the kids have won. Over the last few months, Mateo has really grown as a Jiu-Jitsu practitioner and is getting close to being promoted into the teens program.

About Savarese BJJ

Lyndhurst NJ Children’s Martial Arts is beneficial in many ways. Children who participate in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes quickly increase their physical fitness level. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu involves both large and small muscle groups in the body. Improvement of physical well-being is not the only goal.

Our program can and will help your child increase their confidence, self-esteem, discipline, while teaching them life skills that will last them a lifetime.

Our award winning program, your child will be able to progress at their very own pace. We understand that everyone learns differently. No matter if your child can only train once a week or every day, we have the program that will fit your needs.

New Jersey kids Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu develops many traits in your child. These traits include:

  • Increased self esteem
  • Greater Self Discipline
  • Increased ability to Focus and Concentrate
  • Elevated Self Confidence
  • Overall Improvement in Attitude
  • Improved Physical Fitness Level
  • Development of Leadership Skills
  • Greater Respect for themselves and others
  • Increased Patience
  • Greater work Ethic
  • Better Understanding of How to Channel Aggression

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is also a fun, competition based sport if your child chooses to compete. We prepare students to compete as well in separate competition based classes and we have one of the top competition teams in NJ, winning 6 team championship in various tournaments over the last 3 years.

Don’t let your child become a statistic. Call Savarese BJJ at 201-933-5134 for a free class.


Lyndhurst students to compete in World Jiu Jitsu Championship

Lyndhurst students to compete in World Jiu Jitsu Championship

Five Lyndhurst Jiu Jitsu students are set to compete in the World Jiu Jitsu Championship in Long Beach, CA.

Next weekend, Savarese Jiu-Jitsu Academy students Brian Procel, Caitlin McManus, Sean Yadimarco, Leo Alves, and Ariana Zeppetelli go. They have been training hard for this for the last 6 weeks.

While in preparation, a couple of them competed at the 2016 Big Apple Open in NYC. Here, Zeppetelli shined. winning all of her matches by submission en route to winning her division handily.

Their instructor, 2nd degree blackbelt Professor Chris Savarese, is excited for them. “Competing in the World Championships is an honor and something you never forget. But we aren’t just showing up, we are going in to win! I am very excited for this opportunity for them and about their chances.”

The tournament will broadcast live on flograppling.com where you can watch the Savarese students fight under the Saulo Ribeiro team banner.

Best of luck to all the Savarese, Lovato and Ribeiro students!

IBJJF World BJJ Championship

The World Jiu-Jitsu Championship , also known as The Mundials or the Mundial de Jiu-Jitsu, is the most prestigious Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) tournament in the world.

International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation hosts the event in CA every year.

The first World Championship was held in 1996 at the Tijuca Tênis Clube gymnasium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It has since grown tremendously, with over 1650 competitors (including 250 foreign athletes) fighting before a crowd of over 12,000 in the 2005 championship.

Held in Brazil every year until 2007, the tournament then moved to California State University, Long Beach in Long Beach, California. This marked the first Mundial tournament ever to be held outside of Brazil. Finally, the competition has continued to prosper in California and there are a record number of entries for 2016.

Savarese BJJ Academy, Lyndhurst NJ

Savarese BJJ Academy opened it’s doors in 2006 and is owned and operated by Professor Chris Savarese.

Located at 40 Park Ave in Lyndhurst, it is known as being one of the best BJJ schools in NJ.

In addition to the Adult and Kids competition team winning numerous team titles over the last 3 years, the school has a great reputation as one of the top schools on the East Coast.

If you would like to try a free class, call 201 933-5134 to set one up.