Multi-Tasking in BJJ
Multi-Tasking in BJJ
Multi-Tasking in BJJ is a skill that must be learned over time. As much as we value focus in Jiu-Jitsu it should be quite clear to you that there is a strong demand in many situations in BJJ for you to work on several different tasks at the same time if you are to be successful. In the case of the back position, you must be able at a minimum to satisfy the basic demand to maintain the overall position, while at the same time working diligently to actually attack. In practice, and especially when utilizing the back system methodology that we employ, we have to simultaneously work to hold position and also battle through our opponent’s hands to set up strangle attacks. As you gain in sophistication you will add more and more tasks into the equation, like a battle for head position, for left vs right side etc etc. You must master the skills of prioritizing the tasks (position generally takes priority) and of working in two or more at the same time. Here, our Savarese BJJ Academy ( student Maverick does a fine job of working control of his opponents hips with his legs to stay aligned and keeping head on opposite side of his strangle arm to exert strong control from head to hips. While all this is going on he is engaged in a sharp hand fight with his opponent. This is exactly the kind of practice you must engage in to master this critical aspect of the sport. Multi tasking at the office is one thing – but doing it preserve yourself from a powerful strangle is quite another!

Multi-Tasking in BJJ