Brooklyn’s Fight To Win 51 features Lyndhurst grapplers
Brooklyn’s Fight To Win 51 features Lyndhurst grapplers
Brooklyn’s Fight To Win 51 features Lyndhurst grapplers from the Savarese Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu school on Park Ave. Students of 2nd degree blackbelt Chris Savarese will appear on the show, the very first event of this kind in Brooklyn. The matches will be at the Aviator Sports Complex starting at 6;30pm. Savarese will also be cornering teammate Justin “Darth” Rader in the main vent vs Gianno Grippo from the Marcelo Garcia Academy in NYC.
Pumped for the fights
This is one of the most stacked cards that Fight To Win ( has ever put on. 2 former UFC veterens will be on the card as ADCC champion JT Torres takes on former UFC Champion Benson Henderson and Jake Shields goes against Murilo Santana. Savarese had this to say “Pumped for Friday Nights Fight To Win 51 show at the Aviator Sports Complex in Brooklyn. So excited that this show is coming to Brooklyn I’ll be cornering my student Sean Yadimarco and my teammateJustin Rader in his co Main Event match vs the excellent Gianni Grippo. If you live in he NJ/NY, don’t miss this show, it’s gonna be epic! Jt Torres bs former UFC champion Ben Henderson in main event, former UFC star Jake Shields bs the excellent Murillo Santana. Hope to see everyone there.”

fight to win 51