Entries by savarese

The importance of warmups in BJJ

The importance of warmups in BJJ The importance of warmups in BJJ is always a hot topic. But I want to take a second to explain why they are so important. As you move up the ladder rank wise in your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu journey, people seem to want to stop doing warmups. Upper belts think […]

If you want to understand something – teach it

If you want to understand something – teach it If you want to understand something – teach it: Little known fact is when someone becomes my student I always teach them two different skills. The first is the one everyone knows about, how to get good at BJJ and improve your mindset through Jiu-Jitsu. The […]

Reading your opponent in BJJ competition

Reading your opponent in BJJ competition Reading your opponent in BJJ competition: Competitive matches are a lot easier to win if you know what your opponent is going to do before he does it. Unfortunately, our opponents don’t tell us what they intend to do prior to doing it. Sometimes they even deceive us by […]

The value of sweeps in BJJ

The value of sweeps in BJJ The value of sweeps in BJJ cannot be understated. Sweeps can do more than sweep. When we go to sweep an opponent from guard position, we typically do so with the goal of getting up to to top position and scoring two points or just getting a better position. […]

The offense/defense connection in BJJ

The offense/defense connection in BJJ Once you understand the offfense/defense connection in BJJ, you game will go nothing but up. The basis of your confidence in your offense is the degree of confidence you have in your defense. Our fear is always that if we take a risk we will be punished with by being […]

Control after the takedown in BJJ

Control after the takedown in BJJ It is important to maintain control after the takedown in BJJ. Jiu-Jitsu takedowns…controlling the aftermath of the takedown. A very distinctive feature of the Jiu-Jitsu standing game that separates it from many other forms of grappling is the 3 second rule. This rule states that takedown points will not […]

Learning and retaining information in BJJ

Learning and retaining information in BJJ Learning and retaining information in BJJ is extremely important. In most BJJ schools or Academies across the world, the same class is taught weekly so students can learn, see and repeat the techniques more than once if they train more than once a week. Furthermore, the more we practice […]

Head control in BJJ

Head control in BJJ Head control in BJJ is so important to the eventual finish. It starts w the head and shoulders. People talk a lot about head control in Jiu-Jitsu, and for a good reason. Because head control is probably the single best means of controlling the overall movement and posture of an opponents […]

Double Trouble Leglock attacks

Double Trouble Leglock attacks I went over this after class w/ Dan and Elion after class monday night so I decided to blog about this attack for our advanced students. Double trouble: When it comes to joint locks, here is a an axiom that once learned and understood, will make a big difference to your […]

Controlling your opponent in BJJ

Controlling your opponent in BJJ Controlling your opponent in BJJ is a necessary skill for any good grappler. Here is the thing about control.. the fundamental goal of good Jiu-Jitsu is always control that leads to submission. In addition, a good indicator of the degree of control you have is HOW MUCH SPEED AND EXPLOSIVE […]