A room with chairs and a table in it

Your response to mistakes

Your response to mistakes

What is your response to mistakes? Lets face it, everyone makes mistakes. Your response to these mistakes goes a long way towards determining who you are and who you can and will be as a person. Mistakes don’t have to always be a bad thing. Win or learn! that is a phrase our Grandmaster Carlos Gracie said and we preach here at Savarese BJJ Academy (www.njbjj.com). You should be determined to grow and always learn from your mistakes. We should always move forward and not let our past skeletons haunt us. In addition, we must always bounce back from mistakes. If all we do is think about them, then they will hinder everything in our daily lives, damaging our personal growth. The map of life works like this “No matter how lost you get, always take one step in the right direction. Sometimes you have to get a little lost to find your way.” I’ve made many mistakes. Maybe different types of mistakes than yours but with each mistake, the clearer that message stands out. Bad experiences, mistakes, regrets all can be our greatest teachers. They allows us to grow, become better people and make better choices. Because that’s where we find success. On the far side of failure.