Your Jiu-Jitsu foundation

Your Jiu-Jitsu foundation

Your Jiu-Jitsu foundation

Your Jiu-Jitsu foundation is everything. The great Rickson Gracie used to say “if you you don’t have the proper foundation, the house will fall down, same with your Jiu-Jitsu. ” If you’re going to bear an opponent’s weight, make sure your structure is sound. The fastest way to get exhausted in a match is to carry an opponent’s weight in a mechanically inefficient way. So whenever you have to carry weight, your first step is to get into a position or structure that enables you to carry it efficiently. This will vary according to the scenario. How you carry an opponent’s weight will vary greatly based on whether you’re working in a pin, a takedown, from bottom guard position etc. whichever scenario you’re in, there are efficient ways to carry weight and inefficient, make it your habit to quickly work your way into efficient physical structure so that you don’t exhaust yourself, and as always. Spend as little time as possible in a match carrying an opponents weight anywhere other than on your legs and hips. If you follow these methods, you will watch as your jiu-Jitsu grows, little by little, day by day. For more BJJ tips and techniques, follow us on Instagram at