Tying sweeps and submissions together in BJJ
Tying sweeps and submissions together in BJJ
A very important part during your rise up the ranks in Jiu-Jitsu is tying sweeps and submissions together in BJJ. Sweeps AND submissions! Very often, there is a natural tendency to divide our attacks from open guard into sweeps and submissions and to see them as as an either/or option. You either sweep the opponent or you submit him. In fact, I often say at the lower ranks, you normally fall into 1 of 2 categories. You either have good sweeps from your guard and have trouble submitting people. Or you have good submission from your guard but your sweeps game lacks. There is nothing wrong with that, but you will get much better results when you understand that they operate best when used in unison. Every time you attack with a sweep, your opponent will be forced to base out with his limbs to prevent it. This will immediately created extended limbs. And extended limbs are limbs that you can attack and used for submissions. The more you can get an opponent extended and out of balance, the easier it will be to submit him/her. Don’t see sweeps as an alternative choice to submissions, or vise versa, see them as an attack about to come. Futhermore, watch your submission percentages increase overnight. Here, the great Kron Gracie launches an opponent into some serious air time w a sweep into an armbar at the BJJ World Championships. A sweep attack as powerful as this will either result in sweep points or at the very least, an extended and off balanced opponent who can easily be attacked via submission. If you like this article, make sure you are checking the news section of www.njbjj.com for more articles like this or BJJ tips to improve your game.

Tying sweeps and submission together in BJJ