Thinking of your next move in BJJ
Thinking of your next move in BJJ
One should always be looking ahead and thinking of your next move in BJJ. The ability to slow down and think will help you plot your next move and start to put together moves in combinations. One of the great things about martial arts that focus on grappling is they often offer you good opportunities to slow things down and to think about your next move. In striking martial arts there is usually a much higher pace and very little time to think once you get within striking range. Furthermore, in Jiu-Jitsu, all the dominant pin positions- rear mount, mount, side and north/south, along with top turtle position, half guard top and bottom and closed guard- enable you to take a breather and consider your next line of attack. Learn to use these positions as more than physical advantage, but also as a means to gain TACTICAL ADVANTAGE through the use of thinking ahead to a next move. Here, our Savarese BJJ ( student Cait has worked herself to top turtle position – a good one for taking some time to consider the next options.

Your next move in BJJ