Seeing vs doing in Jiu-Jitsu

Seeing vs doing in Jiu-Jitsu

Seeing vs doing in Jiu-Jitsu

There is a big difference between seeing vs doing in Jiu-jitsu. Your best learning probably won’t happen when someone shows you something. It’ll happen when you put whatever they show you into practice in a messy, blundering kind of way. The nature of jiu-jitsu is such that there’s always a gap between seeing what to do and then doing it. Furthermore, often that gap is wider than we initially think. We can’t really know that our understanding is wrong until we test it out and see whether it works. Unfortunately, at some point in this process, our fear of failure often kicks in. We forget that the temporary failure we experience when we’re learning is very different than a larger, global failure of our whole approach. Progress in jiu-jitsu works as a cycle where we make mistakes, get a little better, then make more mistakes. It’s possible to set it up so you rarely fail, but do you really want to do that? Playing it safe may mean less risk, but it also means fewer lessons. If you want to get good at BJJ, you have to ‘do’. For more tips, follow us on IG at