Savarese BJJ’s Mark Garcia weight loss story
Here is Savarese BJJ’s Mark Garcia weight loss story:
As I sink my teeth back into the 2018 competition season, I tend to lose myself in the wins and losses and critique every match I have whether it’s good or bad. I do have to remind myself why I started in the first place…I was over weight, stopped working out and eating good food that was unhealthy. I lost over 30 Ilbs in my first year. Despite having a big set back in 2017, there was so much to learn from it and to reflect the #1 reason I started Jiu Jitsu @savaresebjj. To live a healthier and confidence life and to set example for my peers and siblings not by my words but from my actions and the results from my hard work. I’m truly blessed to have met great people through Jiu jitsu. ðŸ™Â
🤙#oss #fitlifestyle #healthylifestyle #jiujitsulifestyle #savaresebjj #njbjj#hardworkbeatstalent #bjj #jiujitsu #boa #neverquit