Pressure make diamonds in BJJ

Pressure make diamonds in BJJ

Pressure make diamonds in BJJ

Pressure make diamonds in BJJ. Physical pressure requires sufficient application time to have an effect upon an opponent. If you can maintain it long enough you can exhaust an opponent physically and break him mentally. But how does one keep that pressure on long enough for it to take its effect? Position. If you can stay in a dominant position, the best are those where you are past your opponents legs and on top of him either chest to chest for chest to back, then you’ll have a much easier time riding an opponent while he has to carry your weight on his head and shoulders through his arms. This is truly exhausting for even a very well conditioned opponent. Get your position and then use your position to make an opponent carry your weight in mechanically inefficient ways for time. If you can do this victory will be a constant companion for you. more Jiu-jitsu tips for pressure would include grips. A quality grip is important. You can try putting three fingers in your opponent’s armpit or grabbing their lapel. Keeping your elbow across your opponent’s belt to prevent them from bringing their knees up. Your Base is important. Switching your base allows for more movement and freedom to step over your opponent’s top. Also, pinning shoulder blades. Keep your opponent’s shoulder blades pinned to prevent them from turning into you or away from you. Futhermore, transitions. Know when to transition to side mount or back if your opponent is gaining leverage.

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