Tunnel vision in BJJ
Tunnel vision in BJJ Tunnel vision in BJJ can be harmful. One of the biggest detractors from performance improvement in grappling is tunnel vision. We all have a tendency to get fixated on one course of action and become blind to other possibilities that are right there in front of us. But as in life, […]
Keep going to BJJ class
Keep going to BJJ class Keep going to BJJ class is what we are always told by our Jiu-Jitsu Instructors. Here is some BJJ advice regarding “Keep Going To Class” advice today (especially from white through purple) So many times the instructors and upperbelts will tell everyone to “just keep coming to class” and that […]
Dictate the pace in BJJ
Dictate the pace in BJJ Here at Savarese BJJ Academy (www.bergencountybjj.com), we are very big on being able to dictate the pace in BJJ. In Jiu-Jitsu, you don’t have to be the fastest athlete. You just have to be the athlete who gets to the finish line first. Speed is a wonderful thing in combat […]
Key to reading opponents weigh in BJJ
Key to reading opponents weigh in BJJ The key to reading opponents weigh in BJJ, especially in the butterfly guard, can determine whether you are successful or unsuccessful. How is that? Heels or toes? Whenever your opponent is standing in front of you there is a question of the greatest importance that in most cases […]
Greatest advantage of half guard passing
Greatest advantage of half guard passing The single greatest advantage of half guard passing methods over regular methods of guard passing is head control. The pattern of events in a guard pass is for the passing athlete get past the feet, knees and most importantly, the line of your opponents hips, and then transition to […]