A simple BJJ test for you
A simple BJJ test for you A simple BJJ test for you: Here is a simple test you can perform during or after your sparring training every day. This is a test that will tell you a lot about yourself and your game. At the conclusion of your training, take a memorable part of the […]
BJJ Submission holds must be drilled to perfection
BJJ Submission holds must be drilled to perfection BJJ Submission holds must be drilled to perfection. here is the thing about submission holds – they either work completely or they don’t work at all. In addition, absolutely no one remembers a a submission hold that “almost†worked. In the heat of high level competition against […]
Muscle memory in BJJ
Muscle memory in BJJ Muscle memory in BJJ is extremely important. Here at Savarese BJJ (www.njbjj.com), we find this to be a key to success at higher levels of BJJ. Doings things over and over creates that muscle memory (this is why warmups are so important, the constant drilling of basic movement makes them simple […]
Finish a submission in BJJ
Finish a submission in BJJ When you go to finish a submission in BJJ, in the majority of cases it’s not a fight against the clock. It’s a a fight against movement. When we get into a potential finishing positions, there is a natural tendency among all of use to think that time will be […]
BJJ’s path from knowledge to skill
BJJ’s path from knowledge to skill BJJ’s path from knowledge to skill is interesting. Here is my view on the path. When all is said and done the single biggest determinant of how successful you will be in Jiu-Jitsu by far is the depth and quality of your skill set, your “toolbox”. Most people go […]