A group of people that are in the floor

Recognition of opportunity in BJJ

Recognition of opportunity in BJJ The beginning of every application of a physical technique is the mental act of recognition of opportunity in BJJ. Every time you go to apply a move or tactic in the art of Jiu-Jitsu the first step is a mental one – recognizing that the opportunity is there to apply […]

A group of people that are practicing bjj

BJJ Half guard passing

BJJ Half guard passing BJJ Half guard passing can be very beneficial. One of the tips of half guard passing is once you control the head you can focus upon extracting your leg. The ultimate goal of every half guard pass is to extract your leg and pass either to the two sides of your […]

A man in blue shirt doing a back kick.

3 great entry points into submission in BJJ

3 great entry points into submission in BJJ Here are 3 great entry points into submission. The Ashi garami entry into all types of leglocks and heel hooks. Another is the Front headlock. In addition, the Kimura and Kimura trap psotion can be dangerous. Theart of Jiu-Jitsu has a dizzying array of moves, tactics, principles and in the wild […]

Two men in white and black uniforms are practicing judo.

How to be a good student in BJJ

How to be a good student in BJJ How to be a good student in BJJ, I am often asked the question. As the head of Savarese BJJ (www.njbjj.com) for almost 20 years, I am always asked “what makes a good student?” or “what d you look for in a student”.  People offer all kinds […]

A group of people practicing martial arts on mats.

Back Attack Theory in BJJ

Back Attack Theory in BJJ How does my back attack theory in BJJ differ from others? Here it is…The back… How should I play between the position and the choke? I always coach that in a no-gi submission match with no striking, the back is the ultimate position. When BJJ practitioners wear a gi, I […]