A group of people sitting on the floor in a room.

Principles versus techniques in BJJ

Principles versus techniques in BJJ Principles versus techniques in BJJ is probably something you heard your instructor speak of often. When it come to principles versus techniques in BJJ, here at Savarese BJJ Academy (www.njbjj.com), we are very big on the underlying principles of Jiu-Jitsu. This thought process was taught and drilled into me by […]

A man in white and black uniform giving a presentation.

Art and the Martial Arts

Art and the Martial Arts Art and the Martial Arts…  Lets start with a sketch: When teaching here a Savarese BJJ Academy, (www.njbjj.com), I often keep in mind the analogy of the artistic painter. The painter begins with a sketch and then fills in all the details over time to arrive finally at a beautiful […]

A split photo of two different people wrestling.

Setting up the choke in BJJ

Setting up the choke in BJJ Here are some key details for setting up the choke in BJJ. At Savarese BJJ Academy (www.njbjj.com), we teach this approach to finished a choke. A big part of our approach to finishing is to get at least 50% of the choke set before you even connect your hands/arms […]

A stack of red pencils with numbers on them.

How to learn watching BJJ videos

How to learn watching BJJ videos How to learn watching BJJ videos is an age old question. Here is my opinion on learning from videos. Often I am asked what is the best way to watch and learn from watching BJJ instructional videos. Instructional videos have been around from the earliest days of the arrival […]

Two women are practicing jiu jitsu on a blue floor.

Starting strong in BJJ

Starting strong in BJJ Starting strong in BJJ is essential to dictating pace. Start strong to finish strong! In any session of Jiu-Jitsu, whether in the gym or on the big stage, there are constant cycles of contact. Fighters or competitors will engage with each other, make physical contact and exchange various moves and tactics. […]