Momentum in Jiu-Jitsu

Momentum in Jiu-Jitsu

Momentum in Jiu-Jitsu

here’s the thing about Momentum in Jiu-Jitsu. Google’s definition of momentum is the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity or the impetus gained by a moving object. The BJJ definition of momentum is: A successful attack creates momentum in your favor. Some of that momentum is physical. Once your opponents position is compromised it takes time for him to recover. In that time you can launch a second, third and fourth attack which build increasing momentum in your favor. Another aspect of momentum is psychological. Success gives you confidence to attack again and often creates a negative effect in your opponents mind where now he becomes more concerned about the danger you present to him and often shifts into a more defensive mode. Once you establish a positive momentum, keep it going. Don’t attack and then stop. This will cause you to lose that momentum and let your opponent get back in the game and reassert himself. Make sure you compound one success upon another to maximize its effect on the match. Jiu Jitsu is like pool, the best guys don’t have a back and forth, they run the board. It’s easier to win when you’re leading instead of countering. For more tips, follow us at