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Lyndhurst Martial Arts School promotes 16

Lyndhurst Martial Arts School promotes 16

Lyndhurst Martial Arts School promotes 16! The Savarese Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy, a Lyndhurst Martial arts school, promoted 16 students recently. The Park Ave Academy is known as one of the best BJJ schools, not only in the state of NJ, but the USA. Led by Professor Chris Savarese, whose lineage goes directly to the arts founders as he was promoted by Royler Gracie ( ). The Academy has gained a great reputation throughout the county and state and in martial arts circles.

The promotees:

Congrats to all of the following who received promotions recently, we haven’t updated in awhile:

Danny ‘Newskin” Lleonart- brownbelt 4th stripe

Anthony Del Guercio-brownbelt 4th stripe

Casey Walters- brownbelt 2nd stripe

Babatunde Ojo-bluebelt 1st stripe

Maria “Foofie” Villa- bluebelt 1st stripe

Kevin Wilton-whitebelt 1st stripe

Dave “the Rave” Veloso-whitebelt 2nd stripe

Djendy Denot- whitebelt 3rd stripe

Pete Valdivia-whitebelt 2nd stripe

Donna Valdivia-whitebelt 2nd stripe

Jenn Roldon-whitebelt 1st stripe

Carlos Aviles-whitebelt 1st stripe

Kristina Mastroeni-whitebelt 2 stripe

Maria Beltran-whitebelt 2nd stripe

Gaby Rivera-Yellowbelt

Kayla Zeppetelli-Orangebelt

All the instructors at Savarese BJJ are proud of all of you. It takes guts to try something new, and stick with it when it is hard.

Want to try BJJ?

Anyone who wants to try a free Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class, call 201 933-5134 to set one up at your convenience. There are classes for men, women and children and for all ages. You do not have to be in shape to join, it is our job to get you there. And that we will do! That is a promise! Our Lyndhurst Martial Arts school just promoted 16 students, you will be one of them!