Jiu-Jitsu starts with a plan

Jiu-Jitsu starts with a plan

Jiu-Jitsu starts with a plan

Jiu-Jitsu starts with a plan. Start with a plan: Every time you come toward your opponent from a neutral position there are myriad opportunities for both of you. One possible approach is to let your opponent initiate and react to that. Many athletes do very well with that approach. I generally prefer to see athletes take a more proactive approach, particularly in matches with a shorter time limit. Map your plan out BEFORE you make contact and you’ll have an immediate sense of direction that will put you in the drivers seat from the start. Of course you’ll still need to be able to adapt and improvise in response to rapidly changing circumstances since we never know exactly how an opponent will respond to our moves, but as a general rule it’s better to have an opponent of equal size and skill level reacting to you than rather than you to him, especially in matches of shorter duration