Don't force moves in Jiu-Jitsu

Don’t force moves in Jiu-Jitsu

Don’t force moves in Jiu-Jitsu

Don’t force moves in Jiu-Jitsu! Sometimes, we get tunnel vision in trying to get the move we are looking for. Do you ever latch onto a particular strategy or technique and insist on making it work at any cost? While you can sometimes pull it off, you often end up working more with what you think is going on and less with the actual circumstances before you. Theoretically what you’re doing should work, but suddenly your partner moves out of position, the range or angle is wrong and you wanted isn’t there. You’re working in the past, not the present, rather than change with the moment, you’ve held on too long and are now left to scramble. We have to look at things as they are, as they’re happening, and check up to make sure we are where we think we are. This process, freeing ourselves from the overriding obsessions that block the creative flow, on the mat or anywhere else – is difficult to master but is a big part of the total experience of the training. for more BJJ tips, follow us at