Countering your opponent in BJJ

Countering your opponent in BJJ

Countering your opponent in BJJ

Countering your opponent in BJJ can make all the difference. When you can turn your opponents offense into your offense you add a whole new dimension to a match. It’s one thing for an opponent to stop your move – it’s quite another for him to turn your move into his score. When you can strongly counterattack an opponents moves he will go into a passive state where he becomes reluctant to initiate moves at all for fear of your counterattacks. When you can put an opponent into that passive mindset victory is almost assured. Make sure you don’t limit yourself to moves that stop an opponent but also add some where you aggressively counterattack and turn his offense into yours – success in this regard will greatly enhance your ability to take charge of a match.

Here are some ways to counter your opponent in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ): 
  • Underhook
    A fundamental move that prevents opponents from taking you further in a takedown 
  • Sprawling
    A way to counter takedowns 
  • Guard
    Keep your feet in front of your opponent to keep their weight away from you. Guards like the collar and sleeve spider guard and lasso work well. 
  • Take the back
    Taking your opponent’s back is a dominant position that’s hard for them to use their physical advantages. 
  • Knee shield
    Use your knee shield to prevent your opponent from dropping their hip to yours. 
  • Shin to shin
    Grip your opponent’s shin with your instep to position both your legs on the inside of theirs. 
  • Peel behind the elbow
    When your opponent is stacking you, peel behind their elbow to separate it from their body.