Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Classes Lyndhurst NJ
Want to try Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Classes Lyndhurst NJ? Please check out our top notch facility located at 40 Park Ave in the rear building.
Founded in 2006 by owner and head instructor Chris Savarese, the Savarese Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy was opened with one purpose. That purpose is to better peoples lives on and off the mat through the teaching of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
The Savarese BJJ Academy provides the support, knowledge and experience that allows our members to experience real Gracie Jiu Jitsu. Classes are taught in a safe and friendly environment. Students are taught to the best of their abilities, at their own pace and commitment level.
Our doors are open to men, women and children of all ages, shapes and sizes. We have classes for everyone 7 days a week. See our schedule for a class that fits your schedule. Our variety of classes from 7am until 7:15pm should help you find a fit for your family and work schedules. Adult and children’s schedules are below.
Types Of Classes
Our classes for Adults are broken into 4 types of classes: Fundamentals, Advanced, No-Gi and Self Defense.
Students are started in Fundamentals classes. It is a 16 week program where we teach you everything you need to know to take our advanced classes. Sometimes it may take longer. For former athletes or people with prior grappling experience, sometimes less.
Self Defense only classes follow the original Gracie Jiu-Jitsu curriculum from the Gracie Academy in Rio. It is Grandmaster Helio Gracie’s curriculum. It will follow our self-defense system against attackers and weapons situations.
Advanced classes are a mix of everything from the fundamentals and self-defense to takedowns, BJJ competitions and MMA fights.
No Gi classes use the same curriculum as the advanced classes but without the regular BJJ kimono (uniform)
The structure of our teachings make it easier for you to learn, hence improving your ability and shortening the learning curve.
If you would like to join our team please contact us at 201 933-5134 to schedule a free class. Furthermore, please ask about our family discount!

Savarese BJJ schedule
Family discounts
Do you have more than 1 family member who wants to train? Savarese BJJ caters to families. Ask about our family discount, it is second to none!

Front Room Savarese BJJ

back room