A woman is wrestling on the ground in a gym.

Best all around method of passing guard in BJJ

Best all around method of passing guard in BJJ

The best all around method of passing guard is passing from half guard in BJJ. I have been using this style for over 15 years. There are many effective ways to pass an opponents guard, but to me, the single best all round method will always be to pass from half guard. Why? Because the vast majority of guard passes end with head control as their final step. This creates a critical weakness within them. The need to transition from control of the hips/torso to the head. Making that transition, – the head shift – always presents a window of opportunity for a talented opponent to escape back to guard as you attempt to make that final transition. The beauty of half guard passing is that unlike other passing methods, you can control the head BEFORE you pass. This removes the vulnerable head shift from the process and makes for total control from beginning to end with no real weak points. Of course you need to know other methods, but make sure you put a heavy emphasis on developing your half guard passing game, no other method is so tactically sound. Savarese BJJ (www.njbjj.com) really emphasizes this style of passing early in our curriculum.