Entries by savarese

Takedowns from the back in BJJ

Takedowns from the back in BJJ When it come to takedowns in BJJ, I prefer takedowns from the back in BJJ. It’s a lot easier to take someone down when you’re behind them than when you’re in front of them. First of all, it’s never easy to take a skilled grappler down when you’re directly in […]

The back and mount in BJJ

The back and mount in BJJ The back and mount in BJJ are your two biggest positional goals. When you first begin Jiu-Jitsu, you get introduced to the basics of the positional game and taught the idea of position before submission, especially getting to the back and mount in BJJ. This is a great way […]

Inside position in BJJ

Inside position in BJJ Inside position in BJJ is a game of control. In my opinion, the ideal spot in BJJ is that it be in particular a game of control that leads to submission. Nonetheless, it all begins with control. The most commonly talked about means of control is position. When people talk of […]

Power of Cross Collar BJJ grips

Power of Cross Collar BJJ grips I am always amazed by the remarkable power of cross collar BJJ grips. There are no universal remedies for the myriad problems and scenarios of Jiu Jitsu. One must be able to be adaptable and look for individual solutions to every problem. Nonetheless, there are some moves and concepts […]

Direct routes to the back in BJJ

Direct routes to the back in BJJ Get outside your opponents elbows and you have a direct routes to the back in BJJ. There are many highways to an opponents back. All of them are important. But the simplest and most direct and the one you need to master first is to get outside your […]

Things to do to improve your BJJ in 2023

Things to do to improve your BJJ in 2023 As I have doing evaluations and asking people to make goals, here is a list and can possibly help. Things to do to improve in 2023: 1) Set a clear set of goals to follow and turn in to us so we can be on the […]

Chokes from the back in BJJ

Chokes from the back in BJJ Here is a great lesson about chokes from the back in BJJ. Take your time trying to choke when you take your opponents back. In a match, our biggest battle in Jiu-Jitsu is a battle against the clock. We have to make decisions and perform moves in less time […]

It starts with mindset in BJJ

It starts with mindset in BJJ It starts with mindset in BJJ. YOU have to have the discipline, passion and will to win and improve to get better. My friend John Danaher taught me a long time ago that is the one thing a coach can never give you. And that is something I have […]

Takedown defense in BJJ

Takedown defense in BJJ Takedown defense in BJJ is something that isn’t practiced enough in BJJ schools in my opinion. Ninety percent of your opponents takedown defense and counter offense comes from his head, hands, arms and hips. So, if you can get behind him, you’ve immediately disarmed the overwhelming majority of his defense and […]

The Jiu-Jitsu Mount

The Jiu-Jitsu Mount The Jiu-Jitsu Mount: The mounted position is, along with the rear mount, the highest scoring position in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The reasoning behind this is that in a real fight with blows being thrown it is a devastating position from which to throw fists and elbows into a helpless, pinned opponent. In grappling […]