Entries by savarese

Merging defense and offense in BJJ

Merging defense and offense in BJJ Merging defense and offense in BJJ becomes very important as you move up the ranks of our art. Here are our thoughts on this at Savarese BJJ Academy (www.bergencountybjj.com). Merging defense and offense: When an opponent attacks with a given move your first responsibility is to stop that move. […]

Anticipating failure in BJJ

Anticipating failure in BJJ Anticipating failurein BJJ: It’s good to be confident with your favorite moves and believe that you can get them to work anytime any place on any athlete. But, we’ve got to be realistic too. Sometimes your favorite move isn’t going to work, so we got to have effective back ups that […]

Working in combinations in BJJ

Working in combinations in BJJ Working in combinations in BJJ is crucial to success. Work in pairs, triples and quadruples. Having a strong offensive move is a wonderful thing, but not nearly so wonderful as having a strong complimentary move that goes in the opposite direction to overcome resistance to the first move. Better still […]

Outside or inside control in BJJ?

Outside or inside control in BJJ? The fundamental choice in Jiu- Jitsu – outside control or inside control in BJJ?: When it comes time to control the human body, the fundamental choice you will have before you is whether to control your opponents body by gripping outside/over his limbs or inside/under his limbs. They represent […]

Where attention goes, energy flows

Where attention goes, energy flows Where attention goes, energy flows is an old quote, but truthful when it comes to BJJ. Where is his energy going? When you get a grip upon an opponent there two possible reactions. First, they first is that simply doesn’t react. In this case go straight into your offensive move […]

Connections in open guard in BJJ

Connections in open guard in BJJ Connections in open guard in BJJ are important. Where will you focus your connection from open guard? When you work from your back in open guard, it is crucial you form a solid connection to an opponent so that defensively he will find it difficult to create angles that […]

Separating knee and elbows to pass in BJJ

Separating knee and elbows to pass in BJJ Separating knee and elbows to pass in BJJ is crucial. When you can separate knee and elbow you can pass and pin. One of the main difficulties associated with passing the guard of a trained opponent is separating his knee and elbow on the side towards which […]

Jiu-Jitsu is the pursuit of perfection

Jiu-Jitsu is the pursuit of perfection Jiu-Jitsu is not about perfection. Not even the best among us have perfect Jiu-Jitsu, nor has anyone in the past and neither will anyone in the future. Jiu-Jitsu is about the PURSUIT of perfection through the use of rational thinking in response to the myriad problems we encounter and […]

BJJ: Don’t Stop at the Stop

BJJ: Don’t Stop at the Stop In BJJ, don’t Stop at the Stop. Stopping an opponents move doesn’t end the story. It STARTS the story. Too often, athletes will do good work stopping an opponents move and then subconsciously fall into mode of thinking whereby they think they’ve done enough and settle into neutral position. […]

How to deal with larger opponents

How to deal with larger opponents How to deal with larger opponents has always been a problem for many BJJ practitioners. Want to know how to deal with the big men or women? Answer is…get behind them! As the head instructor here at Savarese BJJ Academy (www.njbjj.com), probably the most common question I am asked […]