Arm Bar/Triangle combos from spiderweb position
Arm Bar/Triangle combos from spiderweb position
Any BJJ practitioner will see great improvement once they understand the Arm Bar/Triangle combos from spiderweb position dynamic. Many times when you have an arm bar in the spiderweb psoition, you also have a triangle available. Because, the positioning for arm bars and triangles is such that WHENEVER YOU HAVE ONE, YOU ALMOST ALWAYS HAVE THE OTHER AVAILABLE. Triangles are the better submission because they have the inherent advantage that they are locked around your opponents head and shoulder and hence much tighter. Also, triangles offer the dual benefits of a strangle as well as an arm lock. In addition, you can attack the joints from a triangle as well or even better than you can from a regular armbar position. For these reasons, it is often worth your time to switch your legs from the classic arm bar to a triangle when working for your submission. At little cost you will soon find yourself exerting considerably more control and with more finishing options. Here at Savarese BJJ (, we have spent the week working this position. In this picture, Professor Savarese show the proper arm bar depth to attack (elbow deep) that makes escape very unlikely and allows him to choose his next attack in a leisurely fashion. Next time you are in arm bar position, play around with transitions to triangle variations – front, side, rear and reverse – and see what kind of havoc you can create.

Arm Bar/Triangle combos from spiderweb position