Anticipation in Jiu-Jitsu

Anticipation in Jiu-Jitsu

Anticipation in Jiu-Jitsu

Anticipation in Jiu-Jitsu or MMA can be a very common occurrence.  Imagine how easy your match or fight would be would be if you could see two seconds into the future in every match. Knowing what your opponent is about to do next before he does it would be tantamount to a superpower. Well, in a grappling situation you can often do this in a very practical way. Learn to listen and read your opponents body as you grapple. Many of your opponents will unknowingly convey to you their next move. Some will sharply inhale before they try to explode out of a pin. Some will tense up right before they go to exert themselves. Most will move in ways that can only lead to a very small set of possible options given the circumstances and thus be very predictable. Most people are blind to these reads because all their focus is on what they’re doing instead of observing what the opponent is doing. If an opponent is telling what he’s going to do next – don’t ignore him! The ability to discern what an opponent will do next is a huge advantage. It’s up to you to use it. Next time you’re on the mat don’t just fixate in yourself and what you want to do. Learn to observe and read your opponent so you can take advantage of what he offers