The front headlock in Jiu-Jitsu

The front headlock in Jiu-Jitsu

The front headlock in Jiu-Jitsu

Here’s the thing about the front headlock in Jiu-Jitsu. The single most accessible part of your opponents body that is a viable target for submission at any moment in a match is the head from front headlock situations. For the newbies out there or non-jiu-jitsu folks, a front headlock is when you wrap up a head and an arm inside of your arms, like a big lasso, with your chest over the back of their head. A solid front headlock will put you in a dominant position that can easily be used to score a take down or a submission. Plus for MMA, you can fire knees to their head that can end the fight. If you have done any sort of fighting, chances are you have ended up in a headlock before. Even in boxing, people get caught in headlocks after disengaging a clinch or ducking a punch. In any hard fought match it is inevitable that your opponent’s head will be exposed at some point (and usually several) to a serious attack from front headlock. These attacks are not only readily available but also highly effective and intimidating to an opponent. Make sure you have at least one good submission attack out of front headlock that you trust can get the job done against a tough opponent. This will make you dangerous at all times and give you the ability to snatch the initiative of a match at any time regardless of what has transpired previously. For more BJJ tips, follow us at