Your Jiu-Jitsu set ups

Your Jiu-Jitsu set ups

Your Jiu-Jitsu set ups

Your Jiu-Jitsu set ups are very important to your success. same with setting traps. You are engaged in a sport where your opponent knows most of the moves that you know and also knows the counters to most of those moves. When you reflect on this it can be disconcerting. If this is the case – how the hell does anyone ever win? Well there are many factors but one which is very important is that of setting traps. If opponents have a good sense of awareness of potential danger (they know the same moves you know) then often you have to give them a reason to take a risk. You can for example,
feign vulnerability and this will motivate an opponent to commit to an attack that he might not otherwise have tried. If you present too much danger to a knowledgeable opponent he will always back away and be very difficult to attack, but when you deliberately offer some kind of opportunity or opening – now he will commit in ways that you can exploit. Make sure your game isn’t always about aggressively chasing your opponent down. Add some subtlety to game. Learn to draw opponents in with subterfuge and suddenly opponents who always seemed so difficult to engage with become much easier to defeat