Fighting your way out of trouble in BJJ

Fighting your way out of trouble in BJJ

Fighting your way out of trouble in BJJ

Fighting your way out of trouble in BJJ is a near certainty. If there is one certainty in Jiu-Jitsu it’s that your opponent will create every bit of havoc and trouble for you that they can. The typical pattern will always be one of you constantly having to dig yourself out of trouble and then get back on the attack. When we drill we typically just practice moves assuming we are in control of the action, but the reality is that in sparring and competition we are rarely in control of the action. Usually it’s a back and forth battle where you’re defending against your opponents attack with you working hard to shut it down and then trying to establish your own attack. This pattern is maintained until one of you fatigues or one of you can establish a position or move that exceed the others ability to defend. Get used to this sense of back of forth struggle. It’s exhausting and frustrating but it’s the essential nature of the game. If you can’t accept and embrace that, then you cannot expect to do well.