Committing to a move in Jiu-Jitsu

Committing to a move in Jiu-Jitsu

Committing to a move in Jiu-Jitsu

Committing to a move In Jiu-Jitsu is essential to victory.: In BJJ, moves that almost worked don’t count. A move has to be taken from start to completion if it is to have an impact on the match. Timidity is thus not a virtue when performing moves against resistance. Even if you are using a move to set up another, there has to be sufficient commitment to its application to get a real reaction out of your opponent to set up the following move. Going into a move half heartedly actually makes you quite vulnerable to a counterattack since you have to sacrifice your defensive elements in order to enter into offense. If the opponent is not threatened by your move he can simply counter attack in the middle of it and easily score. So when it’s time to go – GO!! Enter the move with positive force and then you’ll have a much better chance of success. Don’t hang back and second guess yourself – now is the time to believe in the skills you’ve worked so hard on and go in with commitment