Control after the takedown in BJJ
Control after the takedown in BJJ
It is important to maintain control after the takedown in BJJ. Jiu-Jitsu takedowns…controlling the aftermath of the takedown. A very distinctive feature of the Jiu-Jitsu standing game that separates it from many other forms of grappling is the 3 second rule. This rule states that takedown points will not be awarded unless the athlete performing the takedown can demonstrate control after the takedown for three seconds where control is understood as the ability to hold an opponents hips, shoulder, side or one knee to the mat for the full 3 seconds. This is actually extremely difficult. In combat sports, 3 seconds is an extremely long time. so if you really break it down, the rule is that the takedown itself is not really what is valued in Jiu-Jitsu, but what is valued is the aftermath of the takedown. The control is what you get the point scored for. In practice, your opponent will typically fight to keep his butt/side/shoulder/one knee off the mat. This means the points you score usually come from the scramble after the takedown (rear mount and sometimes mount are the most common). As Jiu-Jitsu students, you must pay particular attention to controlling this crucial post takedown phase. Because, very often this is the difference between a winning score versus a tiring scramble that ends with nothing. Check back tommorrow at for more training tips. See everyone on the mats.