3 things that influence you

3 things that influence you

3 things that influence you

There are three things that influence you, your actions, your success and what you think you’re able to achieve in life…
1) The thoughts that occupy your mind. What you think about the most is what you’ll amount to the fastest.
2) The people you surround yourself with.
3) The words that you choose to use throughout the day.
I’ve talked about the first two plenty of times, but I haven’t talked about your vocabulary… specifically the words that you use every day that influence your actions and get deep into your subconscious mind and drive your day to day thoughts an actions.
I’ve found that these 7 word can really screw with your subconscious mind and cause you to sabotage yourself – and you may not even realize it.
So if I had it my way, the world’s population would do away with using these 7 words…
1) When. When I have time I’m going to start a fitness program, a diet, or work on my business. When… as in you have NO control over your life and time? WTF?!
2) Someday. Someday I’ll be famous, rich, travel, own a home, start a family. “Someday” is NOT a day of the week.
3) Want. I want to travel, be successful, own a home. Never, ever want for anything!
4) Wish. I wish I could do that. I wish I could be like him/her. Stop wishing and do it.
5) Can’t. I can’t do that… I can’t go… I can’t afford it. How about you choose not to go, choose not to afford it, or choose to not do that.
The word can’t make it seem like you have no control over the circumstance in your life.
6) Try. I’ll try to be there. I’ll try to do that. There is no try, you either will or won’t – Yoda.
7) Never. I’ll never be able to do that.
Listen, you can do whatever you want in life. No one controls you.
You’re in charge.
You’re the CEO of your life.
You manage your time, your energy, and your actions.
Never, ever be a victim of circumstance. Never use words that defeat you.
Man up, and take charge of your life.
I believe in you!

Chris Savarese (www.njbjj.com)