Martial Arts Clifton
If you are looking for a Martial Arts school in the Clifton area, the Savarese Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy is your top choice. Located right next to Clifton in Lyndhurst NJ, Savarese Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is not only one of the top martial arts schools in northern NJ, but one of the top Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academies in the Unites States. Professor Chris Savarese, is a 2nd degree BJJ blackbelt and is one of the first American blackbelts under the legendary Royler Gracie. Professor Savarese teaches almost all the classes. BJJ is a martial art and combat sport that focuses on grappling and ground-fighting with the goal of gaining a dominant position and using joint-locks and chokeholds to force an opponent to submit. BJJ promotes the principle that a smaller and weaker person can successfully control and defeat a bigger and stronger opponent by using proper technique and leverage. BJJ can be trained for self defense, sport grappling tournaments and mixed martial arts (MMA) competitions such as the Ultimate Fighting Championship or just for fun. Confidence, Focus, Self Defense and Awareness and Health are some of the benefits offered by our excellent BJJ program in northern NJ. In addition, you will practice and learn to appreciate an extremely effective martial art. Our classes are physically challenging and with regular attendance you will get in excellent cardiovascular and muscular shape. Our program will also help you regulate and lose weight. The classes are intellectually challenging as well. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is usually compared to chess due to its emphasis in technical knowledge. Both disciplines require the use of precise, efficient and economical movements. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) classes are taught with and without the jiu-jitsu kimono (uniform). Jiu-Jitsu classes without the kimono are simply called No-Gi classes and a rashguard or t-shirt and shorts are worn in those classes. BJJ classes are taught multiple times during the day. A typical class begins with a light warm up and stretch. Once everyone is loose, we teach students practical techniques and deliver personal instruction while students are drilling to ensure the class is learning and applying the techniques correctly. When joining our program, everyone is put through a 16 week course where they are taught all the basics techniques so you are qualified and we help get you in shape and ready for the main classes. Once the technique has been covered and you are in our intermediate and advanced classes, live sparring for students who wish to participate is permitted. In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, live sparring is an integral part of the art and what separates Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu from most other martial arts. BJJ is the only Martial art that trains live during classes and that is why it is so effective. Our Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes near North Arlington will quickly whip you into best shape of your life. Savarese Jiu-Jitsu has flexible class times. There’s a class that can fit even the busiest of schedules with classes to train weekday nights, weekday early mornings, lunchtime, and weekends!
Gracie Self Defense
We also offer Our Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Self Defense, Women’s Only and Kids classes. Our Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Self-Defense program is one of the only programs that offers Gracie Jiu-Jitsu in Bergen County NJ. We offer the original curriculum that was taught by Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu’s Grandmaster,  Helio Gracie. This curriculum was taught at the original Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy in Rio De Janiero, Brazil. The course includes over 100 techniques that could literally save your life during a real street confrontation. These classes were originally only taught by Grandmaster Helio through private lessons. Professor Savarese is one of the first US born blackbelts under Grandmaster Helio’s son Royler Gracie and he teaches these classes that involve every aspect of self-defense including gun, knife and bat/club attacks. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a great combat sport, but self defense is a very overlooked aspect of BJJ. Far too many BJJ schools focus only on sport competition and point tournaments. While we teach those lessons as well at Savarese BJJ, we have several dedicated times each week where our students can learn real world techniques in our self defense class.
Women Only Self-Defense and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Self Defense for Women only is also offered at Savarese BJJ Academy. Our Women’s program was specifically designed to prepare women for real life threatening situations. Our Self Defense techniques provide the knowledge and skills for any woman to escape from her attacker, whether she is on her feet or on the ground. This course differs from many others because it does not rely exclusively on punching and kicking like other forms of martial arts. Punching and kicking do not represent an effective strategy against an assailant who is bigger, stronger and capable of hitting back. In addition, punching and kicking are useless on the ground, which is where a rapist/attacker is most likely to assault a woman. The classes are structured to achieve maximum comfort for females interested in pursuing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. This class offers a relaxed, non-threatening environment ideal for the beginner or intermediate student to grow and learn quickly under the guidance of experienced and highly-accomplished instructors. Men are not allowed in the room where the classes will be taking place unless they are an instructor. Students quickly notice an increase in flexibility, muscle strength, endurance and general well being. The idea is that the weaker and smaller can fight the bigger and stronger. This art is the best self-defense martial arts for women…period. We believe most attacks end up on the ground and we teach you how to defend yourself from there. You will learn in a very safe way chokes and joint locks that can save your life!
Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Program
Our Kids Program has consistently been acknowledged by those in the BJJ Community as one of the top BJJ kids Programs in the country. The main goal at Savarese Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy is to help children to understand self-defense, focus and discipline in a safe, fun, active and cooperative environment. We understand that the early years of personal development create the foundation for a lifetime, which is why our classes are built around both the physical and life skills children need to grow up into responsible and attentive adults. Children who participate in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes also quickly increase their physical fitness level. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu involves both large and small muscle groups in the body. Improvement of physical well being is another of our goals. Students don’t just learn about life skills and martial arts values in our classes, they actually experience them each day, and are taught how to apply them in their daily lives. The results at home, at school, with friends are amazing. And we are proud that, as a result of our emphasis on character development, parents regularly tell us that the children in our program are the kind of kids they want their kids to have as friends. For those who wish to compete, we have one of the top competition teams in the state, winning 6 team titles in various tournaments over the last 3 years.
Come check out our academy near North Arlington, New Jersey NJ!
If you live near and want to try martial arts near the Clifton NJ area, just contact us to set up a one on one introduction lesson with one of our Certified BJJ instructors. We have been teaching Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Lyndhurst, NJ since 2006. Savarese Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy has won both individual and team championships every year since we started.

martial arts Clifton

martial arts Clifton